Top 8 Detox Smoothie Recipes for Good Health


Human body is very complex and it needs constant care. In daily routine we filled it up with the greasy spicy foods, unhealthy snacks, alcohol and many more other items harsh to your body. But guys just as you clean up your wardrobe, shoe rack and dressing table to keep it aligned and organized, you also need to detoxify your body. It helps to remove toxins from body and make you feel fresh and healthy.

Detoxification helps you to reorganize your body in a good manner and return it after overeating from the holidays. It is also good for you, if you want to maintain good body weight or weight loss and need better skin. It does not matter whatever the reason is, your body required to get pampered.

Detox smoothies are best to detoxification and cleansing. Just try out some delicious and tasty smoothie recipes.

Here we share ten tremendously delicious smoothies recipes, which surely you would love to, possess for you.

1. Lacto- Vegetarian Detox Fat Burner Smoothie

This smoothie recipe is good to burn fat from body. It helps in detoxification with the weight loss.


  • Fresh baby carrots half cup
  • Tomato one
  • Lemon juice of one lemon
  • Roasted cumin seed powder one teaspoon
  • Coriander few stalks
  • Celery
  • Freshly ground pepper
  • Salt a pinch
Vegan Detox Fat Burner Smoothie
Image Credit: Shutterstock


Clean all the vegetables.

Remove tomato peel and seeds.

Cut baby carrots, celery and coriander leaves. Spin all of them in a blender.

Roast some white cumin seeds in a frying pan without oil. Grind the roasted cumin seeds and store in airtight glass jar.

Put your blended smoothie in glass. Add lemon juice, roasted cumin seeds, little freshly ground pepper and a pinch of salt. Stir well.

How help in detoxification

  • Carrots are good to provide biotin, fiber, antioxidants and minerals. It is also a rich source of vitamins A, K and C. it supports eye health, cardiovascular system and lowers the risk of colon cancer.
  • Tomatoes are good to provide lycopene to your body. It improves bone health and protects from various types of cancer. Fresh tomatoes lower the risk of atherosclerosis and blood cholesterol.
  • Celery works for the gastrointestinal inflammation being a good antioxidant. It also protects from atherosclerosis and various cancer types.
  • Coriander has good gratified vitamin A and K in it. There is also present calcium and potassium in it. It is good for maintaining blood cholesterol and sugar level. It also works for preserving skin, enlightening vision, treating digestion and menstrual disarrays.
  • Cumin is good to lose weight so helped in burning body fat. It is a rich source of iron and fight for lever and stomach cancer. It helps in making red blood cells and aids digestion.
  • Lemons are good to provide vitamin C to your body. It combats mouth, breast and skin cancer. It also helps to regulate digestive system and fight for rheumatoid arthritis.



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