How Garlic Aids in Cancer Treatment & Blood Pressure


We all have seen and known Garlic in our lives but do we know what does it used for other than adding delicious taste and aroma while cooking? No, most of us do not have any idea about it.

Garlic is a bud from onion family with a lot of health benefits including for skin and hair because it is high in Sulphur. You can keep it in a cupboard either fresh or even dried. It has same beneficial properties in both types. Let us throw the light on some of the proven health benefits of Garlic cloves.

How Garlic Aids In Cancer

How Garlic Aids in Cancer & More

Heart Diseases:

Heart diseases are usually caused by increased LDL cholesterol level in human body which is definitely not fond of garlic. It reduces the cholesterol level and fatty food effects which leads to lower heart issues.

Strengthens Immune system:

Weak immune system is a welcoming situation for fungi and bacteria for human body. Consuming a clove or two regularly strengthens the immune system, helps to fight viral diseases, bacterial attacks, chest infections and congestions. If you use a garlic clove with honey, it is a best remedy to treat severe cold.

Aids in Digestion:

Take a clove of garlic after or before a meal to speed up digestion process and increased metabolism. 

Ideal for Blood pressure:

People suffering from hypertension, high blood pressure should consume a garlic clove followed with a glass of water or milk to balances blood pressure.

Toothache remedy:

Although garlic can be irritating to gums but placing a full clove or crushed in affected tooth it can relief toothache in no time.

Weight watchers:

Garlic is ideal for people trying to lose weight. Take one clove followed by the glass of water empty stomach. It will fight the bacteria and flush out the toxic from the body and helps you lose those extra pounds.

Aids in Cancer treatment:

There is a Sulphur compound present in garlic called allyl, which is known for stopping the growth of cancer cells and tumors. If someone has a genetic cancer history he must add the cloves to daily diet to minimize the risk of getting sick by this crucial disease.

Garlic as Hair fall and hair growth remedy:

With hundreds of other benefits garlic cloves are also very beneficial to treat hair lose among men and women plus for accelerating the hair growth, when combined with other natural products like honey, mustard or olive oil, eggs, or even henna.

Take few garlic cloves, crush them to get juice out of it and mix the juice with the tablespoon of honey, and apply it into your hair for 30 minutes than wash with mild shampoo. The mixture will add shine to your hair plus it reduce hair fall in a month or so.

Place the garlic cloves in olive or mustard oil for a week than use the oil in your hair to look more beautiful.

 Garlic Cloves as skin care:

Skin care is now a most discussed topic. Every other women is suffering from pimples, acne, rash or brown spots and looking for easy home remedies for cure. It is definitely a news for all those women that the remedy is already in your kitchen. Yes! Garlic Cloves have best skin care properties specially to treat acne and pimples. As it contains antioxidants which are definitely not bacteria friendly. Applying garlic juice directly to the acne spots or pimples proves to be an effective treatment.

Hope you like to know how garlic aids in cancer treatment and more.



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