Vitamins are those organic compounds and nutrients that a body need to work properly. Through which Vitamin C is most familiar and important, helps to protect and strengthen immune system, fight cardio vascular disease, protect eyesight weakness, viral diseases, and many skin problems including wrinkling and ageing plus many health problems. Vitamin C is mostly found in almost all fruits especially in the citrus ones like oranges and lemons. But there are such food which contains more vitamin C than oranges and the list is as follow:
Food That Contain More Vitamin C than Oranges
Broccoli is a green plant vegetable belongs to cabbage family, used in salads and cooked vegetables. Broccoli is unusually rich in combination of vitamin C and A. and contains more than 89 mg of Vitamin C in just 100 grams which is higher than the amount of vitamin C present in 100 g of oranges. Broccoli is also rich in antioxidants, when combined with other vitamins it is a great aid to prevent crucial diseases like heart attacks and diabetes.
Papaya is a fruit so rich in Vitamin C either consumed raw, cooked, fresh or even dried. It contains 90mg of vitamin C in 100g serving. It also contains vitamin A, D, B-12, calcium and 1% or iron but the amount of vitamin C is 101% higher than all of these. Vibrant color and sweet taste papaya prevents ageing, fights cardio vascular diseases, diabetes, bacterial infections, hair loss, bone health and even treats cancer. The most important use of papaya now a days is to treat dengue fever.
Strawberries are considered as super fruits. They aren’t only rich in vitamin C and prevent you from many diseases but it also helps to whiten your teeth naturally. One cup of strawberries contains 84.5 mg of vitamin C.
Chili Peppers:
Do you know red hot fiery chili peppers are considered as the very rich source of vitamin C? Even more than oranges. Just only half cup of chopped chilies contains 106mg of vitamin C.
Cauliflower is a vegetable belongs to the annual plant family Brassicaceae. It contains 100s of nutrients including vitamins, calcium, phosphate, iron, magnesium and Omega-3. But the amount of vitamin C is higher than it present in oranges and other citruses. Whether cauliflower is used raw, cooked, steamed or boiled, eating a small part of the serving gives more than 100mg of vitamin C, which is enough for daily recommended intake of vitamin C.
It is a very tasty and full of nutrients fruit found in tropical regions of the world. Consuming fruits and raw vegetables are normally associated with less risk of many diseases and better life style. Pineapple is a rich source of Vitamin C that is 88mg in one serving. It helps to reduce obesity, blood pressure and excellent to break down cancer cells and prevents diabetes.
Bell peppers:
Red or green bell peppers are famous for its beautiful and refreshing to sight outlook. Whether used in salads, pizza toppings or cook with other vegetables, they look amazing and tasty. Plus it contains 190mg of vitamin C than oranges, in combination with vitamin A, which promotes health.
Kiwifruit is eye catching for its green color and exotic taste but the real benefit lies in it nutrient values. One cup kiwifruit contains 150mg of vitamin C than oranges. The yummy fruit is also rich in potassium helps to prevent diseases caused by vitamin deficiencies.
Mangoes are high in vitamin C and vitamin A. CONTAINS 76% of vitamin C ideal to boost immune system and antioxidant. Mangoes also helps to fight cancer, clears skin, aids to weight loss, and regulates diabetes.
Guavas are tropical fruits, grows in many parts of the world. It is unique and rich in flavor and promotes many health benefits and titled as one of the “super-fruit”. This evergreen fruit contains 375 mg of Vitamin C than orange which is equal to 5 times more than daily recommended intake of vitamin C. Guavas are also rich in vitamin A and dietary fibers, which are good to break cancer causing cells, antioxidants to prevent heart diseases and boost immune system. This low calorie fruit is also ideal to lose weight and promote healthy body.
Melons are great source of vitamin C and it covers 112% recommended by doctors as per daily intake. More importantly watermelons are 99% water and contains 68mg of vitamin C.
Fruits and vegetables with dark green leaves like spinach, watercress and kale are great source of vitamin C packed with other essential nutrients to make you feel fuller, healthy and have great glowing skin and hair. Kale is especially recommended as it provides 137mg of vitamin C in only serving which is more than enough as recommended for daily intake of vitamin C.
Coriander leaves:
Coriander leaves contains more vitamin C than oranges and all other fruits that is 567mg in one cup. These tiny leaves brings great taste and aroma to food. So this is a win-win situation for us.
Mustard Greens:
Mustard Greens are leafs of the mustard plants mostly used in salads, pickles and in cooked vegetables for better taste and aroma. This home friendly plant can easily be grown in home. One cup of mustard greens contains more than 550 mg of vitamin C which is more than the amount of vitamin C present in oranges. It can fulfil your daily intake of vitamin C more than its daily recommendations.
Tiny green leaves rich in iron and vitamin C, which keeps your immune system strong, best for dieting food as it tones the body plus heals the nervous system and repairs memory issues. Daily intake of these tiny super leaves will flush out the toxic material from your body and make your kidneys work better.
Turnip Greens:
Vitamin C provides even more benefits when it is combined with another antioxidant as it is an antioxidant. Upper green leafy part of turnips can be the best part of your diet and helps to promote health. As it contains 33mg of vitamin C antioxidants that boost immune system and prevent bacteria.