22 Healthy Foods for Specific Body Parts


10. Tomato- Heart

More than any other fruit or vegetable, tomatoes looks exactly like the shape of a heart and they are surprisingly loaded with lycopene substance that strengthens the heart and reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Tomatoes are also full of vitamin C that promotes heart health and prevents from cardiovascular diseases.

11. Avocado- Uterus

Uterus and cervix in female body is a look alike of an avocado and according to the studies, avocados, despite having thousands of benefits are more likely to balance the female sex hormones and prevents the cervical cancer. The most interesting fact about the avocado is it takes exactly 9 months to grow into a fruit that is same as a baby takes 9 months to develop fully in the womb.

12. Mushroom- Ear

A mushroom slice resembles with an ear and they are good to promote ear health. Mushrooms are rich in vitamin D, which is a requirement to prevent hearing loss. So one slice of mushroom can help you hear me in more effective way.

13. Ginger- Stomach

Ginger is beneficial for improving digestive system and to help you burn fat around the stomach and it exactly looks like the shape of the stomach. Since hundreds and thousands of years ago, people used to have gingers to prevent stomach issues and to promote digestive health. Ginger has an ingredient called gingerol that gives the stronger taste and scent to ginger. It is proved with several studies that ginger is ideal food for preventing vomiting and nausea.


  1. Always willing to try the natural foods that help or can be of benefit having them in your menu. I will try this thanks for teaching it.

  2. This is powerful nutritious information. Thanks so much. I like the similarity of the fruit or vegetable to the organ. You are what you eat in a way.


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