14 Exclusive Tips & Exercises for Perfect Posture


7. Farmers Carry:

This is one of the most important and easiest exercise in my opinion. I believe that most of the people with automatically correct their posture if we put something on their head. Same happens when you carry something even slightly heavy. This is because carrying something heavy with bad posture is uncomfortable and difficult, so you can’t do that for longer, and this results in automatic correction of bad posture.

Farmers carry exercise should be done with heavy weights, while you keep your shoulders back, stand tall and straight, and avoid any spinal movement. The exercise teaches you that how tall you can stand and how you should stand while you lift heavy weights. Remember this feeling every time and you will see the difference soon.

8. Leg Bridge Hold:

Challenge your posture fixing workout with your posteriors muscles. Once you have built your stamina and strength, progress to the single leg bridge posture. This position will help you improve the strength of your back muscles but it will also help in strengthening your glutes.

If you do this exercise 2 to 3 days every week, you will see quick improvements in your posture. But you should make this a part of your daily life so you won’t ever face problem with your posture.

Lay straight on the ground with your hands facing the floor. Bend your knees in a way that your feet faces the ground. Now slowly raise your body while your shoulders stays on the ground. Raise your one leg and stay in the position for 5-6 seconds and come back to normal. Repeat each side 2-3 times.

9. Hip Hinge with Hands over Head:

The pose will help you bring flexibility in your movements. Performing this exercise with your arms over your head will not only improve your back muscles but will also help you to strengthen your core muscles. This hips back hands high pose is easy and beneficial like all other poses are. Bend yourself to the ground while you send your hips back. While doing this make sure your hands are above your head.

10. Shoulder Rolls:

Shoulder rolls will help you ease your shoulder muscles from back and from front. It will also relax your neck muscles when you move your shoulders up and down. Sit in a comfortable position or you can do this standing. I recommend to do this while you sit comfortably because at the moment your remaining body muscles aren’t struggling.

While you inhale, bring your shoulders to your ears and when you exhale put them down. Repeat this easy exercise 5-10 times in a day for great results.


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