13 Home Remedies For Arthritis & Joint Pain


9) Using more cloves

The compound called eugenol in the cloves is an anti-inflammatory agent that helps relieve inflammation. It also contains many antioxidants that remove toxins from the body. Using more cloves in the diet can make bones and joints strong. Thus, it is very useful against arthritis.

10) Sun bath

Arthritis can also occur due to the deficiency of Vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D can produce collagen in the joints that strengthen the bones and joints. It is also helpful for protecting the joints from osteoarthritis which weaken the joints. Sitting in the sun for 10 to 15 minutes a day can boost up the level of Vitamin D in the body.

11) Black pepper

Although the black pepper makes a lot of people sneeze but it can also provide relief from the pain and swelling caused by arthritis. The major ingredient in black pepper is capsaicin hat has anti inflammatory effect and prevent the swelling of joints and muscle thus prevents the body from arthritis.

12) Green tea

Consumption of 4 cups of green tea in a day can prevent the occurrence of many diseases in the body and one such disease is arthritis. It is beneficial in the protection and strengthening of the joints of the body and prevents their deformation. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds in the green tea reduces the swelling of the joints and also keeps away the harmful bacteria from the body.

13) White willow tea

Boil one cup f water and add two tea spoons of crushed willow bark in it. Leave the water for 15 minutes so that the willow bark and diffuse in the water. Turn the stove off and wait for further 30 minutes so that the effect gets better. Add a few drops of honey or lemon for better taste as the willow bark tea is bitter naturally. Though this whit willow tea has anti inflammatory properties that can reduce the swelling of joints but its large dose can affect the functioning of kidneys and cause death.


  1. I knew when a doctor smilingly said to me, ‘yep. That’s arthritis. I said ‘oh. So what are we going to do about it? ‘ She smiled and said ‘nothing. It’s the natural aging process ‘. I said, ‘I don’t buy that. You’re saying we all should look forward to getting arthritis eventually? She actually said, ‘mmm hmmm!’ Knowing she was full of shit, I researched it out. Thank you for the article. Validated what I found, as well. Especially turmeric, and ginger.


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