10 Tips To Knock A Decade Off Your Skin


4. Bacteria buddies:

At the age of 35, friendly gut bacteria in our bodies’ starts to drop expressively that leaves your body with an increased risk of bloating and slothful digestion. To control this, have a probiotic drink or have a bowl of Greek yogurt every day. Yogurt has some other health benefits that might help you look younger and fresh.

5. Moisturize from within:

As you get older, you skin becomes crumblier and drier as the oil glands generates smaller amounts of natural moisturizer. This might make your skin to develop fine lines because it becomes less elastic. Fruits like avocados, seeds, nuts, and olive oil contains healthy natural oils that softens the skin and produce a glowing effect.

6. Snack with care:

A dead giveaway of your actual age is the weight around your stomach and thighs. How do you put this weight on? One major reason for the eight around these areas is unhealthy treats between meals. Not all the snacks between meals are unhealthy, in fact, snacks are important to shed extra pounds and to appear gorgeous but it depends on the choice of snacks. Foods such as crispy and oily chips, ice creams, carbonated frizzy drinks all fall into unhealthy snack options. Limit these snacks once a week and consume fruits, vegetables and nuts more for snacks.



  1. de-mineralize; just like how minerals make water ‘hard’ they also make your skin ‘hard’, old.
    Use only pure water or very good spring water. Filter distilled or other bottled water to remove the plastic flavor and excess minerals found in spring water. Good spring water shouldn’t need filtering.


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