10 Powerful Nuts and Seeds for Good Health and Weight Loss


7. Sesame Seeds: Sesame seeds are known for its properties to extract oil, also they are good source of Vitamin B1, mono-unsaturated fats, and phytosterols. All these elements help to control or level cholesterol production thus decreasing the body mass.

8. Sunflower seeds:

They are rich in linoleic acid, fiber, magnesium and phytosterols. All these elements adds to the decrease in body weight.

9. Walnuts:

This seed is immensely concentrated in omega 3 fatty acids, manganese and copper. Apart from decreasing body weight, this nut has other many useful properties such as this nut contains a amino acid that helps body to make amino acids, which increases the blood vessels flexibility.

10. Chia seeds, super foods or a con?

Recently another seed got popularity in name of ‘super-food’, known to be chia seeds. These seeds are considered to be as dieters dream food and a nutritional miracle. However, this is completely true, as they constitutes rich amount of omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber, protein and minerals, like that of as are many nuts and seeds. These properties adds in the weight loss, but it is still unclear how this seed really work and what changes it bring about that leads changes in body, resulting in weight loss, and blood pressure. They are use as conjunction with healthy diet leading to lower cholesterol level in the body.


  1. Excellent easy to understand and remember to adopt in diet Whether nuts can be consumed between meals or not .


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